nota benerude.23 Oct 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
nota beneI agree mystery|*_*|. Also, if a book is blatantly offensive against a culture, the culture should have the right to ban it if they find it23 Oct 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
mystery|*_*|I wouldn't say "ban", but I would suggest authors to add warnings to a book for parents and children to filter the inappropriate ones.26 Aug 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
anna xWhy teach history when there’s a risk of us repeating it’s the same with books every deserves a right to read6 May 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
lorimNo book should be banned. Obviously not every book is appropriate for kids, but banning them removes the ability to criticise them.22 Apr 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
savannahjasmineit is not okay to ban literature as some children are more mature than the average teen therefore meaning some of us have a deeper insight19 Feb 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
manveerI've read most of these as well as Solzhenitsyn, books are a vital way of seeing a variety of issues & perspectives (plus freedom of speech)8 Aug 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
osquigglesome books do have age ratings in a way suggesting older readers to read or 13+ readers are suggested examples: 'gone' series and 'cherub'.8 Jul 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
weebsome kids books are extremely violent, don't see them banned though.9 Jun 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
zumsthrough access to all knowledge sources, both good and bad, we can formulate our own ideas- this is better than ignorance.30 May 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
prostulzileiIf you are to ban a book, then why other could not ban other books which may be useful to read? Banning books lead to absurd situations.27 Mar 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
haniaBooks allow people experience other peoples lives and empathise with them so banning certain books can narrow peoples mindset and view25 Jan 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
lilygControlling the language that we can access is a way of controlling thoughts.16 Jan 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
estelleIt counts as freedom speech, authors have the right to express their opinions through writing. It's up to us to accept/deny ideologies made5 Nov 20195 years agoFlag comment for review
estelleIt's a form of censorship and is often related to totallizarian regimes. If we ban books, we are slowly eradicating democraty.5 Nov 20195 years agoFlag comment for review
duh?!I think its abhorrent people would entertain the idea of infringing on this right even if it is something like holocaust denial.9 Sep 20195 years agoFlag comment for review
dogtoothBanning books for violence is wrong but, books containing nazi propaganda and what not could radicalise someone at it is dangerous29 Apr 20195 years agoFlag comment for review
nerdgirlBanning books is not an acceptable idea. Creativity and experiences are some of the best ways we learn how to be ourselves.14 Dec 20185 years agoFlag comment for review
harveyPeople should be allowed to make a decision for themselves on whether or not the content of a book is too extreme for them.7 Oct 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
harveyPeople should be allowed to make a decision for themselves on whether or not the content of a book is too extreme for them.7 Oct 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
harveyPeople should be allowed to make a decision for themselves on whether or not the content of a book is too extreme for them.7 Oct 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
agbChildren should be given more credit for their awareness of the realities of the world and and shouldn't be stopped from reading19 Mar 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
chaiIt's true that banning will go against freedom of speech, however, spoiling children' childhood with dangerous material should be considered9 Mar 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
luna_lovegoodBooks are a way for authors to express their opinions on the world around them8 Feb 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
rainbowqueenI can't believe one of John Green's books was almost banned, he writes about really important issues that other people ignore2 Nov 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
autumn_leafNo way- no books should ever be banned! It would stop people learning about the world we live in and different human experiences2 Nov 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
elliotporter65In my opinion, what you do with the information from a book is up to you, but remember, your actions have consequences.31 Jan 20231 year agoFlag comment for review
elliotporter65In my opinion, what you do with the information from a book is up to you, but remember, your actions have consequences.31 Jan 20231 year agoFlag comment for review