minister 12316-17 year olds simply lack the maturity and real life experience to vote in general elections, which can be polarising for many.14 Oct 20241 month agoFlag comment for review
marvelstanWe should be allowed to vote, because whats the point of only voting when youre 18? You don magically change your views/thoughts at that age23 Apr 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
red robinI think they should because the decisions from voters influences young people’s lives.25 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
lexiMaybe a youth vote should be worth less than an adult vote to allow young people a voice whilst still ensuring the result remains authentic.21 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
harikYeah, but parents could coax their children into voting for supporting certain parties.5 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
destroyer of liberalsIn today's current day and age, I believe that children are way too easily influenced by social media and don't think for themselves.21 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
savannahjasmineetc, the Black Lives Matter movement, Trans Peoples rights and having schools teach more about lgbtq history aswell as their rights19 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
savannahjasmineYES WE SHOULD! As the yonuger generation we spend more time on social media following topics which do matter and no one else think does-19 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
danibear5I feel that 16-18 year olds should be able to vote if they pay taxes, are in the army or are married and responsibly raising a family.13 Aug 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
zantezumaI would like to vote but I know that there are many my age who do not look into politics and just follow whatever they see on Twitter17 Jul 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
nökkem'outVoting is important, but out of all the people, why should the younger misinformed voters be able to vote?7 Mar 20204 years agoThis comment has been flagged
rosie674The government want us to have a say in the changes in the way our countries yet don't give us the chance to express it16 Feb 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
nancy mtsince 16 year olds pay tax, they must have a say in what their money is used for.17 Jan 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
db04949Yes.11 Nov 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
luna_lovegoodIt would be great because the people who have to live with the result longer should definitely have a say.10 Jul 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
i am satanhi4 Jul 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
daniMaybe a sort of test to determine whether you're up to date w/ current affairs to sort those who are ready/not ready to vote is a good idea?4 Jun 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
daniWe are equally part of society as anyone else. But let's be honest, a lot of 18-25 don't actually vote cos they think they're irrelevant4 Jun 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
thatrabbitThe Nation is ageing. It is OUR future. We need a say.17 Apr 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
isabelIt could form the habit of voting early and encourage us to be active in politics17 Apr 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
charlotteWe are the ones living through the next generation, we need our say and we need our voices to be heard and acknowledged.9 Feb 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
megsI think we should have the choice to vote when we are 16 because it is our future not the 99 year old people - no offence old people.3 Nov 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
unicorngalYes it's frustrating but would be good to have a voice and make a difference even in a small way.3 Nov 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
pickle-mortyThe politicians keep talking about this but they never do anything about it! If I could vote I probably would but not everyone would.1 Nov 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
thatrabbitDon't forget that under 40s voted around 70% remain. And as Thomas Jefferson said: That the dead have neither powers nor rights over it.16 Oct 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
jd1992Good Question18 Nov 20222 years agoFlag comment for review