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Would it be better | if we all spoke | the same language?
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aran_07I think the difference in languages gives us the chance to learn new things so it's not too bad to have different languages in the world!6 Jul 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
daanI think that all the different languages we all speak reflect who we are as people; they are outward expressions of our individuality.24 Oct 20195 years agoFlag comment for review
duh?!seems most people here are pragmatists.9 Sep 20195 years agoFlag comment for review
heroThe variety of different languages makes the world an interesting place. We should focus on making better translation tools instead.12 Dec 20185 years agoFlag comment for review
nat hHaving different languages enables possibilities to communicate and share different experiences, if we understand a specific language.29 Apr 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
db04949I think it depends as we are all in a sense multilingual. Although I think having different languages is good for the brain and people.24 Feb 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
charlotteNo, it would just be lazy. Having different culture and languages is beautiful, learing a language can help to understand other cultures20 Feb 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged