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Are humans | more important than | other animals?
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evie123I respect animals and what they do for the planet but i think it depends on on the different factors of the animal and its behaviour.3 Mar 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
booklover14I think we're the same. I've been Vegan for a year now because one day i looked at a burger and realised that that cow might have been a mom2 Mar 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
happyluckybird😋If there were no animals, we wouldn’t be able to live on Planet Earth! (See: Perfect Planet on BBC)2 Mar 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
harikDid you know that velcro was inspired by burrs that stick on animals?1 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
wildness78Humans are said to be the 'top' species, but there are other species that are better than us at many things, so we aren't top at everything.26 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
lulacA monkey (or any other animal) would pick another monkey over a human, so it is only natural that humans pick humans over animals.25 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
savannahjasmineIf humans were extinct animals would still be able to make the world itself thrive seeing as us humans have been known to not care about it.19 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
aechI think humans have more influence on the planet, which is the problem. Thanks to us, the planet is slowly deteriorating (climate change).19 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
lhinspiration#no, i think its important. most people eat meat , so if there were no animals how would we survive in life?also they are a key part to us!14 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
boommargheritaYES.If you jump into a tigercage i will still shoot the tiger if necessary, even though it is your fault. No superiority. Core of morality30 Jan 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
follow me cocoquinnb tiktokwill exist29 Jan 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
follow me cocoquinnb tiktokIf u said like build univercites build homes build schools build hospitals builf fire stations but without humans propabely not even 1/2 of29 Jan 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
follow me cocoquinnb tiktokOF COURSE humans!!! without us no educations no rules no nothing exept animals but with humans we will be able to do so much better things29 Jan 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
berveThere is an equal complement on both humans and animals; both benefit in a way and rely on one another to live.It's a whole biome/ecosystem.8 Jan 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
willsyYes, I believe that Humans are more important than other animals, but not necessarily in a positive context.1 Jul 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
dii think that animals can help us alot23 Jan 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
faedaulbyI think we, I mean animals, should be treated with more respect. :(16 Jan 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
db04949It depends what you mean by more "important". I'm vegan but it's not human = other animals. It's animal like > momentary pleasure for humans1 Aug 20195 years agoFlag comment for review
batmani think pig are nice so noooooooooooo smart anamals3 Jul 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
angelAll sentient life is valuable. I'm a vegetarian because I think eating our fellow creatures is abhorrent. Please be kind to all creatures!!!19 Dec 20221 year agoFlag comment for review
joshHmm..3 Dec 20222 years agoFlag comment for review