milan1I don’t think a Mac Donald’s worker should be paid as much as the chief executive officer of apple.18 Mar 20248 months agoFlag comment for review
michaeldengIf you believe a fast-food worker should be paid the same as a doctor then, for the love of God please do not vote10 Oct 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
okamiBUT STILL, bye24 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
okamiHmmm... it depends what skill level inn each job and how we view it.24 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
mayshapay for individuals should be different depending on the skills they have but without discriminating against them.22 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
savannahjasminemen and woman should get the same for the same job, different jobs are worth more19 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
grugWe need communism.26 Jan 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
danz171I agree with talha1408229 Nov 20204 years agoFlag comment for review
talha14082If everyone is paid the same, who will want to try for doing more with no benefit to them?15 Apr 20204 years agoThis comment has been flagged
estelleLife is based on hierarchy and one way to establish that is through pay, and I don't think higher earners are will give up that power sadly.5 Nov 20195 years agoThis comment has been flagged
luluAll jobs are different , but some jobs are harder than others and require more time. For these jobs people should be payed greater amounts.8 Sep 20195 years agoThis comment has been flagged
mudkeepI think that there should some jobs that early teens should be able to do and should be paid about 1£ under the minimum pay for adults.11 Jul 20195 years agoThis comment has been flagged
sumayyai think that kids should get more pocket money so they can but things they need and they should also be allowed to have a bank card.7 May 20195 years agoThis comment has been flagged
db04949There is income inequality. Paying everybody the same would be a bad idea but tackling unconscious biases and societal/psychological is good27 Feb 20195 years agoThis comment has been flagged