hufflepuff_bookworm01also happy works are better so the more bracks the better you would would be4 Mar 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
hufflepuff_bookworm01I think it depends who much work and how long you work for if a lot then less days if little then 5 days4 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
savannahjasminesome people want to work more to raise more money for their expenses and such for themselves.20 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
korneljjto work may serve as a demotivating factor, ultimately leading to lower quality of goods and general disinterest in the work.28 Jan 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
korneljjat days of your choosing, could lead to better outcomes as motivation is there to fulfill the duties of work. The presence of being forced-28 Jan 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
korneljj5 days a week can create an unhealthy dependency on the weekend to do your life things (eg gym, shopping), whereas working at the same rate-28 Jan 20213 years agoFlag comment for review