Delve deeper with Luke...

Expand your mind and satisfy your curiosity with books, articles, podcasts and videos recommended by current Oxford undergraduate students.


Image of Luke, a current undergraduate Geography student"Geography was always the best lesson at school for me, as it combined my passions for both the natural and social sciences in analysing the most prevalent issues facing society today; whether these were environmental, social or economic at heart. This is especially relevant to natural disasters, the impact of which is heavily reliant upon the responses and management strategies implemented by different actors; in an example earthquake context, this would include short-term relief such as food and medicine, and rebuilding of property over the long-term. Since coming to Oxford, my appreciation for the complexity and interlinkages between these issues has deepened, in part due to the extensive pool of amazing experts from different fields who collaborate in my faculty."

- Luke, studying Geography at St Hilda's College

If you’re interested in learning more about natural disasters, here are some of Luke's suggestions!

The Big Ones (BOOK- Lucy Jones 2018)

An expertly-written but accessible assessment of natural disasters in human history, which warns us of the dangers brought by globalisation for future events.

Rising Tides (BOOK- John Barry 1998)

A fascinating look at the widely-neglected Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, that not only covers the extensive impacts but also reinforces its significance in social-political history of the United States.

Into the Storm (BOOK- Tristam Kortem 2018)

A captivating tale of two ships engulfed within hurricane Joaquin, which unearths the opposing forces of nature and sailors whilst touching on issues of storm-forecasting and rescue capabilities.

Before the Flood (DOCUMENTARY- Leonardo DiCaprio 2016)

A long-overdue insight into the chronic dangers of our energy and waste habits, as it explores the current and predicted impacts of climate change upon the planet.

The Impossible (FILM- Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor 2012)

A modern adaptation of the deadliest natural disaster in modern history, illustrating the significance of development in the immediate aftermath’s impacts.