Are humans more important than other animals? Take this further...
Are humans more important than other animals? By now, you know this is a tricky subject! If you’ve been inspired to delve deeper, here are some suggested subjects you could study at a university like Oxford.
- Archaeology and Anthropology
- Archaeology and anthropology together encompass the study of humankind from the origins of the human species to the present day. Both disciplines have a long history: archaeology grew from 18th-century antiquarianism, while anthropology began even earlier in the first days of colonial encounter. Today both subjects involve a range of sophisticated approaches shared with the arts, social sciences and physical sciences. Find out more.
- Biological Sciences
- Biological Sciences is an exciting and rapidly developing subject area. The study of living things has undergone tremendous expansion in recent years, and topics such as cell biology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology and ecology are advancing rapidly - all of these areas are covered in the taught course. This expansion has been accompanied by a blurring of the distinctions between disciplines: a biologist with an interest in tropical plants may well use many of the tools and techniques that are indispensable to a molecular geneticist and our modular structure encourages this cross-disciplinary approach. Find out more.
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biomedical scientists focus on how cells, organs and systems function in the human body; an exciting and dynamic area that is highly relevant to the understanding and treatment of human diseases. This course does not provide a medical training. Find out more.
- Psychology (Experimental)
- Psychology has been defined as the science of mental life and its scope includes a wide variety of issues. It addresses such questions as: How do we perceive colours? How do children acquire language? What predisposes two people to get on with each other? What causes schizophrenia? Find out more.
These are just some ideas, and if you are considering Higher Education you should carefully weigh up your options to choose the course and university that are right for you! You could try further suggested reading and resources.