
Living Today

Being Social

Being Human


The Supernatural



Being British


The Natural World

History Repeats itself

Dark and Dangerous



Does music matter?

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Should celebrities | influence you more | than your parents?

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Do we stay the | same from birth?

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Do video games | cause violence?

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Should we put | our ocean first?

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Is the Internet bad?

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Are humans more | important than plants?

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Should we work | five days a week?

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Does prison work?

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Would it be better | if we all spoke | the same language?

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Does a god exist?

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Do humans | need religion?

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Should footballers earn | more than nurses?

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Could we live | without laws?

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Is it OK to | ban certain books?

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Should healthcare | be free?

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Are humans | ruining the Earth?

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Can you choose | to be healthy?

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Is there life | after death?

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Is fantasy better | than real-life?

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Is school | the best place to learn?

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Would you rather | be free than safe?

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Is sleeping| more important |than studying?

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Are we getting | unhappier?

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Could you survive|a natural disaster?

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Is it OK to judge | other people?

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Would you want | to live forever?

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Did the chicken | come before the egg?

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Is falling in love | bad for you?

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Is it ok to clone|a human being?

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Is knowledge | dangerous?

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Should you ever fall | for a chat-up line?

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Could we | end poverty?

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Could there be | real-life X-men?

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Are explosions |always destructive?

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Are humans | more important than | other animals?

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Could we end disease?

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Can money | buy happiness?

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Could we live | on another planet?

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Does truth exist?

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Does race matter?

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Should we eat animals?

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Should you have to|be British to live|in Britain?

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Can time travel ever | be possible?

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Do you make | your own luck?

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Does gender matter?

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Is the death penalty OK?

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Could a country | disappear?

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Should you believe|the history books?

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Does fake news matter?

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Is a robot a person?

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Can we ever | have nothing?

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Have you seen | the best of Book Club?

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Do guns hurt more| people than |they protect?

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Do we see | colour the same?

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Would you pay|everyone the same?

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Does it matter | who you love?

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Should under 18s | be allowed to vote?

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Are real-life|friends better than|online ones?

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Do we need | a royal family?

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Can war be a good thing?

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